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Star Wars Battlefront newly-detailed Drop Zone mode
By - Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Game Athen: Star Wars Battlefront has a bunch of different modes, many of which seem to present twists and tweaks on established multiplayer formulae.

Star Wars Battlefront newly-detailed Drop Zone mode

The latest to be detailed is Drop Zone, an 8v8 mode which DICE describes as a king of the hill-style experience.

Players fight for Rebel or Empire control of pods that drop from orbit, and win either by capturing five pods or by holding the majority of them when the match timer ends. If a stalemate occurs, a new pod will be added to the field, diverting the action.

Once claimed, pods will begin opening, and if held long enough will provide Power Pickups – but if a pod opens, another will drop.

“Playing Drop Zone on the Swamp Crash Site on Endor is a personal favorite. The map has a couple of nice choke points but is overall very free-flowing and hectic, as enemies can attack from anywhere on that level,” says Brännvall. “The fight takes place around a crashed GR-75 transport ship with containers from the craft strewn across the landscape, and there’s one section with a waterfall overlooked by an Ewok village, where you have to jump down into the pool below in order to claim the pod, hoping no one’s hiding in the trees above waiting to pick you off.”

"We hope you’ll enjoy exploring all these ins and outs of Drop Zone - and of course all the other game modes - when Star Wars Battlefront lands November 17th. Keep an eye on the sky."

Source: Starwars EA