Lots of new details just dropped for some big improvements to For Honor. The latest update, Marching Fire, will be the biggest yet.
Marching Fire introduces four new fighters based on Chinese warriors. It also includes one of the most requested features in the game: 4v4 castle sieges.
These sieges are in a new mode called Breach, in which you have to, well, breach the defenses of an enemy fort. Or, you know, you might be defending it. Hopefully you can kick people off ladders, because that’s all I want from a castle siege. Oh, and hot oil. Thanks.
The update will also add visual enhancements and new single-player content, though Ubisoft hasn’t yet outlined the latter.
Here’s the trailer:
If that all sounds good, you can download the vanilla edition of For Honor for free between June 11-18 and you get to keep it forever.
The post For Honor: Marching Fire update: castle sieges, Chinese faction, visual improvements, more single-player and a free download appeared first on VG247.
Source: vg247