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Ten players conclusively prove that you can’t stop GTA Online’s train
By - Friday, September 4, 2015
Game Athen: Ten brave GTA Online players line up with their favorite cars in a tunnel. A train looms in the distance. Can they stop it?

Maybe not. But what happens in this clip by Redmar Belle instead is hilarious. Pure, sweet chaos. The very spirit of GTA, captured in a few seconds.

Ten players conclusively prove that you can’t stop GTA Online’s train

Probably not surprising, given that prior experiments to stop the train have failed—and people have tried just about everything to stop it, as this older clip by Metahelion shows:

Ten players conclusively prove that you can’t stop GTA Online’s train 2

Here we are, years after the original release of GTA V, still trying to stop the train. Still failing. Still having fun! That’s what matters.

Source: kotaku