Luke and Vader duel it out in this Fallout 4 Star Wars Battle video
By - Monday, March 21, 2016
Luke and Vader duel it out in this Fallout 4 Star Wars Battle video

A long time into the future, in a wasteland far, far away, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker had a duel as Death Star loomed menacingly in the sky.

This new Fallout 4 video created with Star Wars mods is probably one of Cosmic Contrarian’s best. Honestly, he outdid himself here.

As you’ll see above, he started things off with a large-scale battle. As the things progress, the combat becomes more focused until the climatic showdown between Luke and his father.

The various mods used to create the video include the Star Wars Imperial Brotherhood of Steel Overhaul, FO4 Season Winter, Luke Skywalker V1.0a and Lightsaber Renew.

All are available on Nexus Mods, and Cosmic was nice enough to post the links to each in the video description on his YouTube channel.


Source: vg247