Soulcalibur 6 is just around the corner, so we’ve been messing around with it at E3 – and we’ve got the footage to prove it.
While there’s still quite a chunk of the Soulcalibur 6 character roster yet to be announced, the game is also quite far along towards its release date later this year – and depending on where you looked at E3, it was either looking rock solid and fairly close to being ready for final release or iffy and in need of some improvement between now and 19 October.
First off, here’s a lovely 20-minute look at Soulcalibur 6, captured from a PS4 Pro console in 4K…
As you’ll see the frame rate is pretty solid for the most part, though there’s always room for improvements. We captured this footage both as VG247 played a few matches and as the public did the same, so there’s a mix of skill levels, characters and play styles in there.
In this video you’ll see battles between the likes of the Witcher 3’s Geralt, series veterans Siegfried, Ivy, Maxi, Mitsurugi, Yoshimitsu, Nightmare, Zasalamel and Xianghua. You’ll also catch a glimpse of newcomer Groh, who I think it looking particularly bad-ass with his dual sword/double-ended sword weapon and move set.
Meanwhile, over on the Xbox stage at Microsoft’s E3 event there was another build of SC6 running – though this one looked like it was running into some issues, with occasionally rocky performance issues that’ll hopefully be ironed out in the final release. Strangely, however, this didn’t seem to be running on an Xbox at all but rather a PC. Spot the mouse cursor in this footage…
This build of Soulcalibur 6 was shown as if running on an Xbox One X, complete with a console buzzing away in front of us – but as mentioned, about halfway through recording we noticed a mouse cursor hovering over the game (check the top left, near the health bars) and noticed the Xbox appeared to be stone cold and deadly silent – so this was no doubt running on a PC under the hood of Microsoft’s stand.
Still, this offers a decent glimpse at what SC6 will look like running in 4K, and presumably represents the target visuals for Xbox One X. Hopefully this isn’t the target performance, however, as there’s an inconsistency to the speed and frame rate of the game that leaves something to be desired – especially in a twitch reaction focused fighting game.
In this video you’ll see the likes of Sophitia and Mitsurugi, but also see newcomer Groh and guest character Geralt of Rivia from the Witcher series – who brings his signs and classic move set form the Witcher 3 to SC6. He seems legit – in Soulcalibur 6 he moves and feels just like he does in his own games. That’s over half an hour of Soulcalibur 6 – what more could you want?
The post Soulcalibur 6: over 30 minutes of 4K video, including Maxi, Ivy and the Witcher’s Geralt appeared first on VG247.
Source: vg247