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The Division: all weapons and missions, end game story and more outed by datamine
By - Sunday, March 6, 2016

The Division end game has already been blasted wide open by eager fans.

The Division: all weapons and missions, end game story and more outed by datamine

The Division won’t be playable until the servers turn on, but a huge amount of new information regarding the anticipated RPG has been data mined from the game files.

The data mine tuned up 200,000 audio files, a list of mission names, a list of cutscenes, many references to boss fights, a stack of DLC weapons and more.

You can see screenshots of the files by checking out these two Reddit posts. This information has not been verified, and if it is genuine, may not justify the data miner’s conclusions regarding its meaning. Perhaps more importantly it’s full of spoilers, so if you’re keen on the story and world building of The Division, I’d recommend averting your eyes immediately.

With those caveats out of the way, itsgamerdoc turned up references to what looks like two DLC missions – “Kill the Tank” and “The Drones”. Elsewhere in the mission list, there are a stack of references to Brooklyn.

There are references to APCs as well as tanks, along with water planes and choppers with mini-gun turrets. Other notable finds include a possible new faction, Bratva, and suicide dogs – both of which may have been cut.

The data miner has assembled a spreadsheet of all weapons found so far, with some statistics. The 138 item list includes many new weapons such as the M87 and Remington 700 sniper rifles and AK74 Burst.

They’re not super easy to parse, but the community has been hard at work compiling a wiki page with all weapons, and this Reddit post lists the unique weapons found so far.

Itsgamerdoc has also put together a list of all weapons talents, a list of weapon attachments, an armour list.

All these lists (which are on the same document; use the sheet navigation tabs at the bottom of the page) are incomplete, since they’re based on what the dataminer has been able to pull from the game’s files, which aren’t designed for ease of viewing by curious outsiders.

The video below goes into detail of the end game story content found among the 200,000 audio files; it’s definitely spoiler material.

Find out what time The Division goes live in your region; the game officially launches on March 8 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Source: vg247